Saudi Arabia: Draft Regulations on Road Work Permits

Saudi Arabia: Draft Regulations on Road Work Permits News developments

Saudi Arabia: Draft Regulations on Road Work Permits

Okaz, 2 May 2024: The General Authority for Roads has drawn up a draft regulation on road permits, to clarify the requirements and procedures for obtaining permits to conduct roadworks.

According to the regulations, the permit holder must collaborate with relevant authorities on the planned work.

They must also submit a plan outlining temporary safety measures for road users during the work and, if necessary, a plan for permanent safety measures.

The draft has also outlined the application submission process for obtaining permits.

Those intending to conduct road works must submit an application to obtain the necessary permit via the platform.

The Authority must review the permit application within 10 working days to ensure completeness and verify that all necessary requirements have been met.

This period can be extended for similar length depending on the nature of the permit and the planned work.

The permit may also be extended for a specific period if there is a request from the applicant 60 days before the expiry of the term.

Those granted permits will be subject to oversight, follow-up, and evaluation by the Authority.

The Authority, or its appointed representatives, will have the right to ensure compliance with permit requirements, as well as on the application of approved specifications and standards.

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Tanya Jain