Abu Dhabi: Working Group for Startups and SMEs Established

Abu Dhabi: Working Group for Startups and SMEs Established News developments

Abu Dhabi: Working Group for Startups and SMEs Established

Gulf News (United Arab Emirates), 28 March 2024: Abu Dhabi’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry or ADCCI has announced a working group for startups and SMEs has been established.

It will report to the Chamber and will be responsible for representing the interests of startups and SMEs registered in the Emirate.

It will also be responsible for empowering businesses and helping them support the Emirate’s economic development.

It will partner with government agencies and the private sector to solve the challenges faced by these entities as well as foster innovation and drive economic diversification.

This will support sustained growth and development.

It will closely monitor the needs and requirements of these entities too.

It will be responsible for developing plans and proposing policies to attract representatives from these entities to enter promising sectors, particularly modern technology sectors too.

It will be responsible for spearheading various programmes, initiatives and activities designed to equip these entities with the necessary guidance and skills as well as coordinating with various parties to provide a platform to improve cooperation and the exchange of experiences, ideas and opportunities that support their growth.

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Tanya Jain