Qatar: Signs Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement With Saudi and UAE

Qatar: Signs Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement With Saudi and UAE News developments

Qatar: Signs Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement With Saudi and UAE

Al-Sharq, 30 May 2024: Qatar Signs Agreement to Avoid Double Taxation with Saudi Arabia and UAE.

Qatar has signed an agreement with Saudi and UAE to avoid double taxation, especially income tax to prevent tax evasion and avoidance.

The agreement will contribute to supporting international transparency standards through the exchange of documented financial information, within the framework of the three countries’ keenness to consolidate coordination and cooperation in tax fields and economic relations.

The agreement comes within the efforts to enhance legislative coordination that contributes to encouraging trade exchange between Qatar and the two countries and attracting investments to the region.

The agreement aims to conclude tax treaties that eliminate all forms of double taxation.

It will enable the countries to prevent tax evasion and ensure justice and equality in the treatment of individuals, in addition to improving trade cooperation and increasing investment opportunities between governments and individuals.

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Tanya Jain