Dubai: Launches Programme to Facilitate Judgment Enforcement Procedures

UAE News developments

Dubai: Launches Programme to Facilitate Judgment Enforcement Procedures

Emaratalyoum, 30 May 2024: The Dubai Courts have launched the ‘Execution+’ programme. This programme is a big step forward in enforcing court rulings through digital technology. The programme is part of a strategic plan to develop the system for enforcing judgments and civil orders.

Dubai Courts have affirmed that through ‘Execution+’, it assists customers in procedures related to enforcing judgments by providing a flexible, integrated and clear system that benefits all parties.

The Director of Dubai Courts has said that this programme comes within a comprehensive digital initiative aimed at elevating the system for enforcing judicial rulings in the emirate.

Dubai has also affirmed that the courts conducted a detailed study to identify the challenges facing enforcement operations and then adopted ‘Execution+’, a set of developmental initiatives to assist customers in procedures related to enforcing judgments in a smooth and transparent manner.

Getting a judgment is not enough you also need to enforce it to actually obtain your rights.

There were often delays in the enforcement process.

This is what led them to start working on a set of initiatives under this ‘Execution+’ project.

All departments in Dubai cooperated with the Dubai Courts on these initiatives.

This cooperation from various departments across the emirate was vital for the project.

The second phase will involve cooperating with federal authorities in other emirates across the UAE.

This project represents a major improvement in enforcing judgments. That’s because enforcing judgments requires coordinating with many different authorities.

However, by using technology and cooperating with all government, semi-government, and other departments, this can be achieved more effectively.

The programme seeks to offer innovative judicial services to all customer categories, underpinned by quality, efficiency and effectiveness, as well as enhancing the efficiency of the enforcement process.

The strategic plan for developing the system to enforce judgments and civil orders includes several initiatives and projects.

These aim to achieve speedy justice, ensuring everyone entitled receives their rights promptly.

The plan also seeks to enhance litigants’ confidence in the judicial system, contributing to social and economic stability.

Additionally, it focuses on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of enforcement procedures.

This saves litigants from the hassle of waiting and following up.

The plan supports providing a digitally integrated work environment for smooth operations across various organisational units, positively impacting service quality.

Ultimately, the strategic plan aims to save time and effort expended in the enforcement process.

‘Execution+’ aims to digitally transform the enforcement of judgments through five main pillars.

It enhances efficiency and digitisation to streamline procedures and optimise resource utilization.

The program expedites enforcement procedures while ensuring flexibility.

It promotes transparency and information exchange between relevant authorities and officials involved.

‘Execution+’ enables collaboration with partner organizations. Ultimately, it ensures legal compliance throughout the enforcement process.

This programme falls within Dubai Courts’ efforts to elevate the level of services and achieve government directions aimed at making litigants happy and providing the best services to society in accordance with the vision of the wise leadership.

This focuses on entrenching the guarantee of rights and freedoms, and the application of the rule of law and fair judiciary.

‘Execution+’ also reflects the courts’ commitment to achieving the highest levels of transparency and justice in enforcing judicial rulings, and affirms its leading role in enhancing the rule of law and providing distinguished judicial services to all members of society.

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Tanya Jain