Kuwait: Approves Unrestricted Hiring of Overseas Workers

Kuwait: Approves Unrestricted Hiring of Overseas Workers News developments

Kuwait: Approves Unrestricted Hiring of Overseas Workers

Arab Times, 3 June 2024: The Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) has opened the door for the issuance of work permits by 100% for all companies.

With such a decision, employers can now bring workers from abroad according to the estimated numbers.

According to the decision issued by PAM, the fee specified for the issuance of a work permit is KD 150.

Through this decision, PAM has canceled the previous conditions that used to classify the companies into three groups.

The first group that was eligible to receive work permits for 100% of their estimated labour need.

The second group that could receive work permits for 50% of their need, and the third group that could obtain work permits for 25% of their need.

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Tanya Jain