Expired Whistleblowing Protections in the UAE | Online Training | 31 August 2021 | 09:30AM to 11:30AM (Gulf Standard Time)
Practitioners registered with the Dubai Legal Affairs Department (DLAD) will earn 2 CLPD Points for attending the training!
Laws around whistle-blowing and protection for whistle-blowers are developing in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as the country seeks to align its employment legislation with international best practice.
While there is no specific statutory definition of whistle-blowing under UAE federal laws, there are now a number of laws that provide for whistle-blower protection where certain criteria are met. Most recently, the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) court has sought to clarify the protections available to whistle-blowers under the DIFC Operating Law, as well as its own jurisdiction to grant relief where an employer is found to have breached those protections. Join LexisNexis Middle East the DIFC Academy, and Pinsent Masons for an online training session where we will look at:
- What protections are available?
- What should employers do?
- Case study examples of how whistleblowing matters are being managed in practice and reviewed by the Courts.
Luke Tapp, Partner, Pinsent Masons
Ruth Stephen, Senior Associate, Pinsent Masons
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Whistleblowing Protections in the UAE
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM