UAE: National Integrated Energy Model Launched
The UAE’s Energy and Infrastructure Ministry has announced it has launched the National Integrated Energy Model. They launched it together with the Khalifa University and the International Renewable Energy Agency. It will support the formulation of the future energy for the UAE and the design of the next 50 years in the energy sector. It will also provide a roadmap for a new phase of energy sector sustainability and provide a common framework which brings together stakeholders in the energy sector. In addition, it will define the contours of the future as part of the UAE’s efforts to maximise the benefits of this sector by developing strategies and foundations for work in it during the next phase in line with the National Energy Strategy 2050. This Strategy aims to obtain safe and sustainable energy for everyone at competitive prices, increase the efficiency of individual and institutional consumption by 40% by 2050 and increase the contribution of clean energy in the total energy mix produced in the country to 50%. An understanding to develop the energy modelling capabilities with Khalifa University and the International Renewable Energy Agency was also reached. In addition, a partnership bringing the three entities together was established. This will develop the UAE energy model to support the UAE’s approach in this sector. It will also benefit from the experience of the Agency and the research capabilities of Khalifa University to establish a programme to support the review of the energy strategy in the UAE and engage strategic partners to continue developing the energy policy in the country.